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7330 SW 62nd Place Suite 205 South Miami
(305) 669-0900
Your hormones are one of the most important regulatory systems embedded in your body. They act as messengers, designed to interact with specific target cells and organs and provoke a change or result. Many people will experience a hormone imbalance and not even realize it!
As we age, hormone production changes, and hormonal imbalance can occur. Unbalanced hormones can have a variety of side effects and symptoms, this symptom can range from subtle to debilitating and are often masked by medications that are prescribed for multiple illness. Having your hormones checked regularly will reveal whether your hormones are optimized. The good news!!! BioTE® Medical and Dr. Gottenger are here to help you.
Isright for you?
If you would like to know if BioTe is the right option for you, book an appointment with Dr. Gottenger.
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